Receive Your Healing Miracle

Receive your healing miracle through prayer by Pastor Kynan Bridges

A miracle is defined as a surprising and welcomed event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws, and is considered to be divine. Miracles are supernatural manifestations of God’s omnipotent power in the earth. To put it simply, our God is a miracle-working God.

God specializes in the impossible.

There is only one thing necessary when responding to a miracle—you must receive it! The Bible is filled with countless examples of ordinary people like you and me who had a supernatural encounter with God. The thing they all had in common was their willingness to receive what God wanted to do in their lives.

Receiving your miracle is not passive; it must be done intentionally with faith and expectation.

Don’t let the enemy talk you out of your miracle.

Don’t waste your mental energy trying to rationalize the promises of God. The Bible says that whatever you ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive. Receive is the Greek word lambano, and it means to take a thing due (Strong’s, G2983). It is an act of one who has a sense of entitlement and ownership. When something belongs to you, you simply take it! There is no need to explain or negotiate.

It’s yours!

In the same way, it is time for you to take your miracle. Don’t wait on the doctor’s report or the diagnosis; receive your miracle now. Dare to take God at His Word. Whatever you have the audacity to ask for in prayer and the determination to believe, you will receive. It is that simple.

What are you believing God to do today? Do you need healing in your body? Are you praying for freedom from a life-controlling addiction? Open your heart to Jesus and let Him be the miracle worker He desires to be in your life. Receive your miracle today!

If you’re interested in learning more about this topic, you can read a free preview of my book 90 Days to Possessing Your Healing here: Free Preview or get the book on Amazon here: Buy on Amazon

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Pastor Kynan Bridges About Pastor Kynan Bridges

Pastor Kynan T. Bridges through his profound revelation of the Word of God and dynamic teaching ministry has revolutionized the lives of many in the body of Christ. Through his practical approach to applying the deep biblical truths of the Word of God, Pastor Kynan reveals the authority and identity of the New Covenant believer. He is the Senior Pastor of Grace & Peace Global Fellowship in Tampa, Florida where he lives with his wife Gloria, and their three children. For more information visit: