Don’t Doubt Your Healing!

Don't Doubt Your Healing by Stephen BrooksWisdom and healing are two promises of God that we can receive when we ask in faith. It is God’s will for us to walk in wisdom. If it were not His will then He would not offer us the ability to receive wisdom. It is God’s will to heal, but healing must be accepted by faith according to the same process in which one receives wisdom. Both promises are acquired through faith.

Regarding wisdom, the Bible says, “let him ask in faith, with no doubting.” If a person has doubts when asking about whether or not God will supply them with wisdom, they will not receive anything from the Lord. Notice how the word “anything” is used in reference to other promises of God that are received through the same faith transaction. The word “anything” includes wisdom, but it would also certainly include healing as well.

If a person says, “I have asked God to heal me, but I’m not sure if He will do it or not,” then I can already inform you according to the Bible what that person will receive—nothing.

“For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord.”

The issue of doubt must be removed in order to move forward and possess what God said freely belongs to us. God is not withholding wisdom from His people when they ask for it. Neither is He withholding His healing power.

At the cross of Calvary Jesus paid the price through His bodily sacrifice to redeem anyone who would receive Him from the perils of spiritual death, sickness, disease, and every other form of defeat and suffering. He paid this ransom price of our salvation with His own blood. Since the price has already been paid, why would He hold back that which He died to make freely available to us? It brings great joy to the heart of God when we accept by faith the wonderful provision He made for us at Calvary.

We can receive wisdom when we need it by simply asking in faith and not doubting that He will abundantly give it to us. We can also receive healing for our injured, diseased, or sick bodies by asking in faith and removing any and all doubt that would suggest it is not God’s will to heal.

Standing firm on the promises of God and holding on to them without wavering is the biblical method of receiving God’s best for our lives. Doubt is a thief that robs a person of the promises of God. If doubt is allowed to come in to a person’s heart then it can rob an individual or an entire church of what rightfully belongs to that person. Doubt will evaporate like a morning mist on a hot day when you feed upon God’s Word.

If you want to learn more about this topic you can read a free preview of my new book How to Operate in the Gifts of the Spirit here: Free Preview or you can get your own copy here: How to Operate in the Gifts of the Spirit on Amazon.

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Stephen Brooks About Stephen Brooks

The multifaceted ministry of Steven Brooks International is affecting countless people from all walks of life. The ministry was incorporated in California in 1998 and now is located in North Carolina. Pastor Steven's regular messages that he preaches live over the internet are watched with much eagerness around the world. The books which he has written continue to expand in readership while igniting a desire within the reader for a more intimate walk with God.