Featured Faith

Repentance Leads to Transformation
Renewing the mind begins with repentance. That is the gateway to return to our original assignment on earth. Jesus said, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” To many Christians, repentance refers to having an altar call where people come forward and weep at the altar and get right with God. That is [...]
Featured Family

The Torture of Desire
It has been said that suffering is having what you do not want (singleness), and wanting what you do not have (a husband). As a single woman, you would probably scream “Amen” to such a description of suffering. You know what it is like to get up each day knowing that you do not have [...]
Today’s Top News

How to Work with Angels in Your Life: The Reality of Angelic Ministry Today – Book Review
A Compelling Study on the Role of Angels in the Scriptures, in History and Today Kevin Basconi carefully considers the work of angels today in How to Work with Angels in Your Life: The Reality of Angelic Ministry Today. This is the second book in the Angels in the Realms of Heaven series. Kevin develops [...]

Seven Deadly Words – Film Review
When sitting down to what you think will be a faith movie it is surprising to hear a suspenseful musical chord and see the arrival of a train, a very Alfred Hitchcock opening. Doc Benson, the producer, director, and writer has surely taken a hint from the old master of suspense to give us a [...]

Interview with ReAnn Ring about Return to the Hiding Place
As a fan of of Corrie ten Boom I have been familiar with her books, The Hiding Place and Tramp for God. The film based on The Hiding Place is a classic, and we were very pleased to learn of her involvement in this new production, Return to the Hiding Place. We also know that the [...]