As a fan of of Corrie ten Boom I have been familiar with her books, The Hiding Place and Tramp for God. The film based on The Hiding Place is a classic, and we were very pleased to learn of her involvement in this new production, Return to the Hiding Place. We also know that the person who could tell us all about it was ReAnn Ring.
Fred: We intended to first talk about the film, however we have seen your video clips on the net and learned a lot about you. What is Safire Publicity, that’s you company, right?
ReAnn: That’s my company. I do everything from helping people with social media to how to nurture your ministry on-line to market and present a message. Anything that has to do with media publicity. I help people who might be shy of a camera to be more professional.
Fred: And what is this 3:15 project?
ReAnn: The 3:15 project was a ministry project that we started a couple years ago. These gentlemen wanted to have a way to put the testimonies of Christians on video. It was non-profit. I loved it. They came to me and asked me to help get the word out. Very moving to have at events for churches or conferences. It was very challenging. A way to give your testimony according to 1 Peter 3:15. It had incredible results in getting the word out. Video is so big now, you can search on the net or social media.
Fred: What inspired you to get into this kind of work?
ReAnn: One day the Lord woke me up. I had a gifted friend who inspired me and I wanted to help her. I thought of paying it back by paying it forward. I realized I could help her with the media. I call myself a liaison to baby boomers. I could work with very gifted people and take their messages to younger people. This is how I got my foot in the door.
Fred: So this is what drew you to the film, Return to the Hiding Place?
ReAnn: When author and speaker, Pam Rosewell Moore, and I began working together, I had been so impressed by the women’s conferences she spoke at years ago. She had been the long time traveling companion, assistant, and nurse to Corrie ten Boom until her death in 1983. We began to do ministry trips together. We were in Chicago when I heard about the film Return to the Hiding Place and arranged for a meeting with Chicago actress, Mimi Sagadin, who portrays Corrie ten Boom in the new release. We fell in love with the film and I began talking about this film on Facebook. I was so blown away by the idea behind this film I knew I had to be involved. I was asked if I would like to do publicity for the film as I knew the story better than anyone else through my research. So I started helping them promote and to get the word out.
Fred: We noticed that the emphasis on this film is young people. In fact the printed storyline reads “Dutch Resistance fighter Hans Poley in World War II, found refuge at Corrie ten Boom’s house, which is crowded with Jewish refugees and becomes part of her teenage army. Hans gets a false identity and joins the Dutch Resistance. As the Nazis commit atrocity after atrocity, the danger for Hans and his new compatriots increases tenfold.” It seems to center on young people involved in a cause.
Fred: And now the big question, what is the status of the film to date and when do we get to see it?
ReAnn: We open on May 23rd and have received over nineteen awards and recognitions to date. And we are working on reservations for people to see the film in selected areas. There are thirty theaters on the website so far. (See end of article.) If you want to request the film in an area you can. There needs to be 500 tickets reserved to bring a film to that area. Right now we are working with churches and several well known names. It is an incredible film with an incredible cast. We have John Rhys-Davies who you may remember from the Lord of the Rings films and the TV series Sliders. There is also Mimi Sagadin as Corrie ten Boom, David Thomas Jenkins as Hans Poley and many other excellent stars. You could not have found a better cast.
Return to the Hiding Place-Tickets and Trailer:
Return to the Hiding Place Website:
Safire Productions Media Facebook Page: