It has been said that suffering is having what you do not want (singleness), and wanting what you do not have (a husband). As a single woman, you would probably scream “Amen” to such a description of suffering. You know what it is like to get up each day knowing that you do not have [...]
Why Physical Intimacy Ruins a Good Relationship
How does physical intimacy ruin a good relationship? When two people start dating and become involved physically, the innocence disappears and one of their consciences will likely shout—“Get out!” When I first became a Christian, and had newly left behind a sex-saturated dating mentality, I started dating this wonderful Christian guy. His commitment to moral purity [...]
Is God Demanding Too Much?
11 Truths to Becoming a Lady in Waiting
Why do women tend to “go after the guys”? Why do women experience difficulty being still and waiting for the man to initiate and develop the relationship? You find the answer in one word: insecurity. An insecure woman has her world centered on something (marriage) or someone (Mr. Right) that can be lost or taken [...]
Healing Your Emotional Pain
Each one of us have unresolved thoughts, feelings, and impulses that seem to come right out of the blue at all the wrong times. But through healing prayer, we are learning about letting God take these unresolved issues—these things that are hidden in the depths of our hearts and are springing up, causing ungodly thoughts, [...]
Fluid Retention— Dropsy (Kidney Failure)
And behold, there was a certain man before Him who had dropsy. …And He…healed him, and let him go. —Luke 14:2,4 Dropsy—fluid retention, swelling, edema, and swollen ankles—is the result of a toxic liver. Increasing protein consumption can also relieve the body of extra fluid. TODAY’S TIP: Avoid white potatoes, which are a nightshade vegetable [...]
Dead Sea Clay
And Lot lifted his eyes and saw all the plain of Jordan, that it was well watered everywhere…like the garden of the Lord…. —Genesis 13:10 TODAY’S TIP: The Dead Sea contains minerals that can purify and detox your system. Apply Dead Sea mud and clay masks to cleanse your skin of toxins and acne. Alternatively, [...]
Protect Yourself from Worldwide Pollution
…Because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption in the glorious liberty of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now. —Romans 8:21-22 We live in a polluted world and creation groans for the return of Jesus so [...]
A Walk by the Sea
Again, departing from the region of Tyre and Sidon, He came through the midst of the region of Decapolis to the Sea of Galilee. —Mark 7:31 Walking by a saltwater sea or a fresh body of water is beneficial for body cleansing. Ocean waves can create a negative ion charge. This promotes health and healing. [...]