Dennis and Dr Jen Clark

About Dennis and Dr Jen Clark

Dennis and Dr. Jen Clark minister together as a husband and wife team. They founded Full Stature Ministries in 1997 and are senior pastors of Kingdom Life Church in Fort Mill, South Carolina. Dennis has been in active ministry for more than 35 years. Jennifer, his wife, holds a Th.D. in theology and B.S., M.S. and Ed.S. degrees in psychology.

How to Develop a Simple Prayer Life

Develop a Simple Prayer Life with Dennis and Dr. Jen Clark

To connect with God is a very essential ingredient in our pursuit of simple prayer. If we’re believers, then Christ resides within us and we have Him dwelling in our hearts. But even though this is true for us, we must still learn to abide, which means it is a process that we will get [...]

Experiencing Constant Communion with God

Constant Communion with God by Dennis and Dr. Jen Clark

I found that praying once or twice a day was one thing, but experiencing constant communion with God was quite another. This kind of communion is about maintaining our spiritual connection with the Lord all day long. We stop seeing our prayer times as being like stops at a gas station to fill our car [...]

Simple Steps to Reconnecting with God

Reconnecting with God by Dennis and Dr. Jen Clark

  Many of us have been surprised by impulses, thoughts, and emotions that seem to come out of the blue and throw us off course. And oftentimes, we enter into sinful behavior and yield to the temptation. So there is a need to promptly reconnect with Christ in an intimate and life-giving way. It doesn’t [...]

Healing Your Emotional Pain

Healing Your Emotional Abuse with Prayer Dennis and Dr Jen Clark

Each one of us have unresolved thoughts, feelings, and impulses that seem to come right out of the blue at all the wrong times. But through healing prayer, we are learning about letting God take these unresolved issues—these things that are hidden in the depths of our hearts and are springing up, causing ungodly thoughts, [...]