To connect with God is a very essential ingredient in our pursuit of simple prayer.
If we’re believers, then Christ resides within us and we have Him dwelling in our hearts. But even though this is true for us, we must still learn to abide, which means it is a process that we will get better at over time.
Proverbs 3:5-6 tells us, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.”
When Proverbs tells us to “acknowledge Him,” it means we are to acknowledge Christ dwelling within us, recognizing the divine intimate contact we have with Him. To connect with Him, then, means that we’re cultivating a connection with Him and an awareness of His presence within us. The more we do this, the more fully and completely we learn to abide in Him.
Our awareness of His presence increases with practice, with time spent in prayer, and by acknowledging the personhood of God dwelling within us.
Acknowledging Him is one of the goals of simple prayer. We are not just acknowledging Him as residing in heaven (which seems to put Him far away), or simply acknowledging Him with our mind (though we do this sometimes), but we are acknowledging Christ within us (which is the hope of glory).
As we develop that intimate contact with Him on a regular basis, then the promise is that He will direct our paths, which is ultimately what we want Him to do. We should all desire Him to be in charge of our life, for Him to live His life through us rather than us living our life for Him.
This connection begins in our prayer time in the morning, but staying connected is a lifelong learning process.
If you’re interested in learning more about this topic, you can read a free preview of our book Deep Relief Now! here: Free Preview or get the book on Amazon here: Buy on Amazon
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