Protect Yourself from Worldwide Pollution

OptimalU tip with Dr Bob.

…Because the creation itself also will be
delivered from the bondage of corruption
in the glorious liberty of the children of
God. For we know that the whole creation
groans and labors with birth pangs
together until now. —Romans 8:21-22

We live in a polluted world and creation groans for the return of Jesus so it can be delivered from corruption.

TODAY’S TIP: Be kind to your liver and drink water from a pure source to cleanse your liver and cleanse your system. Minimize the direct toxins you put into your body.

OptimalU with Dr Bob DeMaria

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Dr Bob DeMaria About Dr Bob DeMaria

Dr. Robert DeMaria is a catalyst for health and well-being. As owner of the Drugless Doctor brands, Dr. Bob’s techniques have restored optimal health to thousands of patients without the need for prescription medication. His research and daily experiences can be seen throughout his seven books, including the bestseller, “Dr. Bob’s Drugless Guide to Balancing Female Hormones”. Dr. Bob has consulted for FedEx, VitaMix, and other national brands, and appeared on multiple media portals including ABC Family, TBN, Fox 8 Cleveland, and WFAN NYC. An avid fan of social media, connect with Dr. Bob on Twitter, @DruglessDoctor and see what he’s eating on Facebook, Dr. Bob The Drugless Doctor.