Access to God
“We all have access to God provided by Christ our High Priest in the same measure that He does! There is no “cleaning ourselves up” before we enter His presence or come before His throne. Jesus has already “cleaned us up” to the point of perfection. Nothing we can do will add anything to that finished work. ” (Pure Grace Page 71)
Let’s Talk Grace
It is important to remember what it takes to have “access” to God. Only those who are without any sin attached can be in union with Him! That is precisely why God had to remove our sin from us; why Christ “took our sins away.” Access to God, for the Believer, is fully available and never restricted in ANY measure for ANY reason! The erroneous religious idea that God withdraws from Believers if they have “unconfessed” sin in their lives is a lie that corrupts the glorious gospel. The devil must rejoice over such nonsense. COME BOLDLY BEFORE HIS THRONE!
EDITOR’S NOTE: You can get Pastor Clark Whitten’s book, Pure Grace at Amazon • Barnes and Noble • Books-A-Million • and other fine retailers.