The gifts of healings must be administered to others in a spirit of faith. If you pray for people expecting nothing to happen, then you will receive exactly what you expect—nothing. Always mix faith with your prayers. Even when the Holy Spirit is manifesting through you with a spiritual gift, you must still use your faith to go along with that corresponding gift.
Two months ago on a Sunday morning, I prayed for a young boy of the age of five. His mother reported he had been severely grinding his teeth in his sleep all night long for the past three years. In faith I prayed for the young boy, and I rebuked an evil spirit that was tormenting him. I then released God’s healing power into his body through the laying on of my hands. Later that night his mother slept next to him and she stayed awake all night long listening for any grinding, but he did not grind his teeth a single time, nor has he ever ground his teeth since. We see these and many other types of healings take place consistently.
When you pray for the sick, you must always keep your eyes on Jesus and visualize the Lord healing the people.
If the nine spiritual gifts could be considered “fun,” then I would have to think that the gift of healing is the most fun gift because it makes me so happy when others are healed. Since there are so many sick and diseased people in the church and in the world, this gift will always be in high demand and in frequent use.
Sometimes the healing is instantaneous, other times it takes a little while for the healing to fully come forth. But what joy it brings when someone has received deliverance from the devil’s torment and affliction. It’s fun to pray for the sick, especially when the healing gifts are in manifestation.
You will always have good results when you pray for people in faith and refuse to be moved by external circumstances. I have prayed for people when the gifts of healings were flowing through me. Often I have prayed for people in severe pain. I would lay my hands on them and pray for them while releasing God’s healing anointing in their body. Some would leave the prayer line in just as much pain as when they arrived. But I do not let that throw me in any way, because many of these same people would call or email me and say that the following morning when they awoke, the symptoms had completely left their bodies.
Always stay in faith and do not doubt that it is God’s will to heal—and for His people to enjoy divine health.
If you want to learn more about this topic you can read a free preview of my new book How to Operate in the Gifts of the Spirit here: Free Preview or you can get your own copy here: How to Operate in the Gifts of the Spirit on Amazon.
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