Morning Prayer

Morning Prayer by Don Nori Sr on Life Supernatural

I love mornings; not so much because I have to get up, but because I love to talk to the Lord first thing. It is really almost automatic these days. I already know Jesus is with me whether or not I ask Him. It is not like He needs to be reminded that we are [...]

Jesus, the First Victim of Identity Theft

Was Jesus the First Victim of Identity Theft by Ron Cantor for Life Supernatural

“Don’t you ever say that you used to be Jewish! You are still Jewish and always will be!” Like an Old Testament prophet, complete with boney finger in my face, Zeva, an Israeli believer rebuked me. I greeted her saying, “I also used to be Jewish.” I was a new believer and she was the [...]

How God Uses The Wilderness

How God Uses Wildernesses by Ron DiCanni on Life Supernatural

As matter of fact, I believe there are only three possible locations you can be in regarding the wilderness. You are either coming out, going in, or are there right now! And it is by design that you are where you are.

Easily Offended

Easily Offended by Paul Tsika on Life Supernatural

Who’s fault is it? One of the greatest challenges we all face in life is offenses. Even Jesus said in Matthew 18:7 that offenses would come, but just make certain they don’t come through you (my paraphrase). Life is filled with opportunities to be offended. Every day, we run across family and friends, co-workers and [...]