Have you looked at the pores on your face? Are they larger than you would like them to be?
I would like you to go back and think about how many wheat products you have been consuming; that means white flour or whole wheat. Wheat and soy tend to deplete the body of zinc. Zinc is an important nutrient for healing and restoration of tissues.
If you heal slowly and always seem to have a cut or bruise that can be located somewhere on your body. I would like to suggest you consider replacing wheat products; cereals, breads and pastas with non wheat grains like rice or quinoa.
The pores on your face will actually get smaller over time as well as the white spots on your nails will disappear, your memory could improve and your craving for sugar will reduce.
To Your Optimal Health
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*The above information should not replace the advice of your own doctor. Always seek medical advice before making a diet or exercise change.