Illusion, Drama, Magic – Family Entertainment with a Message.
Master illusionist Harris the III uses the principles of magic and the art of illusion to demonstrate how easily we are deceived by our perception or the things we think we see.
Harris narrates his story highlighting significant turning points that determined the purpose of his career path and his spiritual journey. Using the dramatic elements of good story telling, actual filmed stage performances, and a powerful stage presence Harris relates how, at the pinnacle of his career, his mentor challenged him to consider whether he himself had been deluded by his own success and was allowing pride to get in the way of accomplished his purpose.
After years of pursing success, working at building a career, gaining recognition, becoming rich, and acquiring an expensive home and luxury cars; Harris tells how he took an audacious step of faith, sold his posh house and expensive cars to answer God’s call to live a simplified life, reach out to the poor, and to fulfill his divine purpose, to deliver the message: “The chain of deception has many locks – For everything there is a key.
The DVD Entangled – For Everything There is a Key combines illusion, magic and a dramatic story, with a strong evangelical appeal, providing quality family entertainment with a clear message.
A complimentary copy of this DVD was provided for review purposes. The opinions expressed are my own.
Entangled: For Everything There Is A Key (DVD) is available at: Amazon