Even Though I Walk Through the Valley – Book Review

Valley-2A Bittersweet Journey through Pain, Despair, Restoration and Healing

Even Though I Walk Through the Valley is Laura Mauro Kymla story of her spiritual journey; a journey that includes years of suffering the emotional and physical pain of a rare form of cancer, Multiple Myeloma. She tells of the band of supporters, who stood with her during times of her deepest needs, with prophetic affirmations, intercessory prayer, and the details of running a household, hundreds of doctor’s appointments, and chemotherapy treatments, and hospital stays.

Laura is articulate in providing information on the diagnosis, treatment, and therapy experienced throughout her battle with Multiple Myeloma. She also describes the roller coaster of emotions she felt in the midst of experiencing the torture of living in a “prison of pain” as ranging between “hysteria, fear, disbelief, and denial.”

Laura writes with transparency as she tells of feelings of rejection, betrayal, verbal abuse, belittlement, and condemnation experienced as a child and in her teens. These feelings resulted in an “approval addiction” that continued into adulthood.  As a professional counselor Laura gives compassionate understanding and encouragement to strengthen and equip readers who have been exposed to similar brokenness, and to bring healing and restoration to their spirit, and a balm of refreshment to their soul.

Laura often includes a brief note of encouragement, affirmation, or insight to introduce a lesson learned through a crisis or “dark night of the soul” experience. These can help the reader form important life principles and values that impact relationships and lead to a personal sense of self-worth and inner peace. Reflection questions at the end of each chapter encourage the reader to search their own heart and apply the principles to overcome those inexplicable challenges being experienced. Profound.

Laura is a gifted communicator, steadfast in a God sized faith. Even Though I Walk through the Valley offers hope to the individual discouraged by the uncertainty of pursuing a journey into the unknown and ministers to the whole person, body, soul and spirit.

Even Though I Walk Through the Valley is available at:

A complimentary copy of this book was provided for review purposes. The opinions expressed are my own.

About Richard R. Blake

Richard R. Blake is the Co-Founder of Christian Education Resources. He owned and operated the Family Book Center of San Leandro, California for over 30 years. I am married to Thelma, a registered nurse, and father of four sons. I am now working as a freelance writer, editorial consultant, specializing in manuscript critiques and book reviews.