Identity Theft – Book Review

theft_02A Meaningful Look into Jewish Roots

Ron Cantor has chosen a unique approach to engage the reader in a meaningful look into the background and history of the Jewish people and their roots. In his book Identity Theft Ron uses fiction as a platform to present a fresh look into history to bring to light an age old cover up. He skillfully weaves the history of the Jewish people and the brutalities and carnage against them in the name of Christ the Messiah.

An angelic guide, Ariel, time travel, modern technology, and the Jewish scriptures help Cantor’s protagonist, David Lebowitz, a young Jewish journalist move from his skepticism to become a serious seeker of the truth of Yeshua.

Careful endnotes clearly detail scholarly comparisons, website references, and other suggested resources for study. These notes also reflect and establish Ron Cantor’s credibility and credentials as Messianic Jewish Communicator, and educator.

Cantor’s a passion to mentor young leaders, to share the Jewish roots message, and to spread the good news of the gospel of Yeshua is apparent throughout his writing. The dramatic scenes from the crucifixion, the Crusades, and from Hitler’s treatment of the Jews in World War II combined with the commanding use of dialog lend themselves to adaptation for an impressive movie production.

My Recommendation

Informative, entertaining, and memorable – a great read.

Identity Theft is available at:

A complimentary copy of this book was provided for review purposes. The opinions expressed are my own.

About Richard R. Blake

Richard R. Blake is the Co-Founder of Christian Education Resources. He owned and operated the Family Book Center of San Leandro, California for over 30 years. I am married to Thelma, a registered nurse, and father of four sons. I am now working as a freelance writer, editorial consultant, specializing in manuscript critiques and book reviews.