Jesus, The Barrier Breaker to the Supernatural Life

What Child is This Advent Devotional by Larry Sparks Day One

Day One of the “What Child is This?” Advent Devotional

Jesus’ shed blood at Calvary dealt with the sin issue, and Pentecost unleashed the Holy Spirit upon all believers, from generation to generation (see Acts 2:39). Are you a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ? If so, I have good news for you. It’s legal to desire more from your Christian experience.

You don’t need to work for it. You don’t need to beg God for it. You don’t need something new to come down from heaven and give you a boost. It’s already available. In fact, this supernatural power is living on the inside of you in the Holy Spirit. Now, it’s a matter of alignment.

My prayer is that this Advent experience will help you step into a greater level of alignment with your anointed identity in Christ. In the Kingdom, alignment does not come through working and striving, but through rest and intimacy. I pray that as you behold Jesus in a fresh, new way this season, you will become “transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord” (2 Cor. 3:18).

When we take our place and start living the life that Jesus made possible and available, the Earth becomes filled with glory. Jesus’ Name is exalted as the blind see, the deaf hear, and the dead live again. This is not metaphorical or flowery language. This is the authentic Christian life.

Jesus healed the sick as an anointed man, so we are also licensed to heal the sick.

Jesus set people free from torment and bondage as an anointed man, so we are also commissioned to bring deliverance to the bound and captive.

Jesus raised the dead, cleansed the lepers, loved the unlovely, brought identity, empowered the weak, strengthened the weary, released peace into calamity, brought calm into the storm, and released the culture of heaven into the Earth.

This is your commission! 

We sing “Mary, Did You Know?” with zeal and passion during the Christmas season, but did you know that the song describes the reality you have been invited to experience as normal? In the same manner that Jesus’ anointed hands brought healing, deliverance, and hope, yours have been empowered to do the same.

Every breakthrough and every miracle advances the Kingdom of God forward, and thus, fills the Earth with more of Heaven. After all, His Kingdom is not in decline. Stagnation is not an option. Things may be shaking on the Earth, but we can rest assured that of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end (Is. 9:7).

May our carols and praises this year resound with the very cry of God’s heart, as they did for the Psalmist—

And blessed be His glorious name forever! And let the whole earth be filled with His glory. Amen and Amen. 

(Psalm 72:19)

Amen and let it be so!

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What Child is This? Advent Devotional by Larry Sparks

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Larry Sparks About Larry Sparks

Larry Sparks is host of Life Supernatural, a weekly radio program that features bestselling authors, emerging filmmakers, and key ministry leaders. In addition to serving as the Director of Curriculum Resources for Destiny Image Publishers, Larry is president and founder of Equip Culture Ministries—an organization that equips believers with tools and resources to experience a life of sustained victory through the supernatural power of God. He lives in Florida with his wife and daughter. You can visit his website at and follow him on Facebook Larry Sparks or on Twitter @LawrenceVSparks.