Jesus, The Resting Place

Day 10 Advent Devotional Jesus, The Resting Place by Larry Sparks

Day 10 of the “What Child is This?” Advent Devotional

He who sent me to baptize with water said to me, ‘Upon whom you see the Spirit descending, and remaining on Him, this is He who baptizes with the Holy Spirit.’ (John 1:33)

When Heaven opened on the day of Jesus’ baptism, it released Someone into the Earth. This Someone had been waiting for several thousand years for when the time was just right. You see, the Someone is Holy Spirit, and from the time mankind fell into sin and became distanced from the Presence, God had a restoration plan already set in motion. In fact, His plan of restoration would actually exceed—if you can believe it—the initial climate He created in Eden.

We look back so fondly on what Adam and Eve enjoyed with the Creator. After all, they walked with God in the Garden. God was with them, yes. It was extraordinary for sure. Then sin disrupted things. The enemy thought He had severed this intimacy, but He only dug himself into a deeper hole. You see, when God restores something, He exceeds the original model. In the case of restoring fellowship between man and God, no longer would God simply walk with man. Now He would actually dwell inside of him.

This is the great significance of the Incarnation, Jesus Christ coming to Earth. God’s plan of restoration was released beginning with Jesus, the Son of God. This Man was qualified to be the first man in history to experience the abiding, remaining Anointing of the Holy Spirit. Why? He was God, and without sin. Sinless flesh was the only place of rest for the Holy Presence. Conclusion? Holy Spirit and Jesus were a completely compatible pairing.

The resting place was a place of permanent residence and dwelling, not a fleeting visitation as people experienced prior to the coming of Christ. The Old Covenant gives us shadows of what Jesus would reveal in substance (see Col. 2:16-17). Jesus was not anointed for a season or a task as were the priests, prophets and kings of old—He actually became the dwelling place of God.

Sure, we see numerous accounts of the Holy Spirit coming upon prophets, priests, and kings of old. He clothed Himself in Gideon. He came upon Bezalel to release supernatural creativity for building the tabernacle. He empowered Samson with extraordinary strength. However, these men of old were still people with a sin nature.

Jesus was without sin, and therefore, the Only Candidate in human history Who could serve as this resting place for the Holy Spirit of God. Remember, He is the Holy Spirit. He demands a righteous vessel for habitation. Jesus was and is the Righteous One.

Because of what He accomplished on the Cross, we are able to experience 2 Corinthians 5:21 as a reality: “For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.” Jesus made you righteous, worthy, and fit to also become an abiding resting place for the Holy Spirit.

Advent Prayer

Holy Spirit, I love Your Presence. Thank You for always being with me. Because of Jesus, You have come to live inside of me and You have made me Your resting place.

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What Child is This? Advent Devotional by Larry Sparks

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Larry Sparks About Larry Sparks

Larry Sparks is host of Life Supernatural, a weekly radio program that features bestselling authors, emerging filmmakers, and key ministry leaders. In addition to serving as the Director of Curriculum Resources for Destiny Image Publishers, Larry is president and founder of Equip Culture Ministries—an organization that equips believers with tools and resources to experience a life of sustained victory through the supernatural power of God. He lives in Florida with his wife and daughter. You can visit his website at and follow him on Facebook Larry Sparks or on Twitter @LawrenceVSparks.