Kingdom Come – Music Review

Kingdom Come by Bryan and Katie Torwalt Review by Larry SparksRight off the bat, I encourage you not to compare Bryan and Katie Torwalt’s second album to their outstanding, exceptional, groundbreaking, stunning debut recording, Here on Earth (released in 2011).

I make the following statement without any reservation: Here On Earth is one of the greatest compilations of worship songs I have ever heard. On top of that, I believe the Torwalts are part of a Holy Spirit-renewal in a “worship movement” that, sadly, has bowed one too many times to commercialism. I add the Torwalts to the ranks of Brian and Jenn Johnson, Jeremy Riddle, Darlene Zschech, Matt Redman, Tim Hughes, Martin Smith, Phil Wickham, Israel Houghton, Kim Walker-Smith and the brigade of others who tirelessly press into God as a lifestyle, and in return, receive fresh downloads from His presence. These downloads become songs that continue to transform the landscape of worship and ultimately, redefine church culture as a whole.

While Bryan and Katie’s songs are musically catchy and easy to sing, the lyrics are unparalleled in depth and richness. This husband and wife duo write from a deep place of intimacy with the Holy Spirit. Such an intimacy cannot be faked. No way. And thus, this duo of singer/songwriters equips the body of Christ with fresh expressions of praise and worship that do not fail to lead us, both corporately and privately, into the powerful Presence of God.

Long intro, but I wanted to give you some context and perspective before I jump into reviewing Kingdom Come, their fresh sophomore album.

First, I absolutely love the sound of the album. It was way different than Here on Earth, so buckle your seat belt and prepare for an incredible experience. With the first album, I made the mistake of attempting to draw a parallel between the Torwalts and other duos such as All Sons and Daughters and even the Civil Wars. Vocally, yes, there are slight comparisons to be drawn, but the Torwalts are venturing into new waters with Kingdom Come. It is a rich expression of different sounds and instruments.

Second, the theme is so well carried through each song (without seeming forced). It is without question that the Torwalts are singing out of their theology and belief system. Every song echoes the invading, present expression and advancement of God’s Kingdom. These songs are prophetic tools for the bride of Christ to align her worship with the current movement of the Holy Spirit. We are to speak into and yes, even sing into God’ activity on Earth. Of course we are to always worship God simply because He is God and He is worthy. Hence, why there are timeless songs and hymns. In addition to the timeless, I do believe there are also timely expressions of worship. The Torwalt’s latest album is just that—timely.

I cannot help but recall Darrell Evans classic anthem, “We Will Embrace Your Move.” These songs enable congregations and individual believers alike to get on the same wavelength as the Holy Spirit, embrace His move in the Earth, and declare the in-breaking of Heaven into every sphere of life.

Third and finally—the songs. They are incredibly catchy. In fact, you will immediately gravitate towards certain ones because they get in your mind and in your spirit—and will not get out. For secular songs, this becomes an annoyance. For songs of worship, these is an asset, for the songs are conduits for the Word of the Lord. They actually help us meditate on what He is saying and doing.

“King of the Earth” led by Katie is one such song for me. Exuberant and praise-full, the song stirs the heart to express bold, extravagant praise to the One who reigns over all things. “Shores” is another fun cut. However, I am quick to add that “fun” does not mean ridiculous, lame, and without substance. Even the “lighter,” more up-tempo songs on the album declare powerful Kingdom truths of freedom from addiction, bondage, and depression.

I was also refreshed by the several songs that focus on the manifest Presence of God and how His entrance into an atmosphere or environment actually brings about a supernatural shift. These are wonderful songs for corporate worship expression, for they invite worshipers to press in for a release of God’s glory and presence. “Weight of Glory,” “When You Walk Into the Room,” and “Spirit of the Living God” take you on this incredible journey into the glorious presence of God. I love the bridge of the last mentioned song, “Spirit of the Living God.” So simple and yet so powerful: “Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah—Spirit break in!”

Finally, there are exceptional cuts that are straight-up God-focused worship anthems: “Worthy King” and “It Was Finished.” That said, every single track on the album is God-ward. In other words, you are not going to have a slew of songs dedicated to singing about how great we are, what we are going to do for God, and all of that nonsense. The Torwalts maintain a God-focused, Christ-centric approach to worship that refreshes and inspires.

This review is just a sampling of a tour de force sophomore worship album from Bryan and Katie Torwalt.

My thoughts? Pick up a copy of Kingdom Come. You will be incredibly refreshed in God’s Presence.

Here is a powerful sampling of worship from Bryan and Katie when they led at this year’s Jesus Culture conference in LA. (You will need to fast forward a little to get to the actual worship segment).

Larry Sparks About Larry Sparks

Larry Sparks is host of Life Supernatural, a weekly radio program that features bestselling authors, emerging filmmakers, and key ministry leaders. In addition to serving as the Director of Curriculum Resources for Destiny Image Publishers, Larry is president and founder of Equip Culture Ministries—an organization that equips believers with tools and resources to experience a life of sustained victory through the supernatural power of God. He lives in Florida with his wife and daughter. You can visit his website at and follow him on Facebook Larry Sparks or on Twitter @LawrenceVSparks.