Raising a Lady in Waiting – Book Review

raisinglady_02Key Principles to Prepare Your Daughter for God’s Best in Her Relationships

By the second page of the preface Jackie Kendal had me hooked.  As a father, grandfather, and an active member of a church reaching out to young families, I am always on the lookout for books and resources I can recommend to our Christian Education staff, parents of family and friends, and our church librarian. Raising a Lady in Waiting will be high on my list of recommendations.

Each of the 10 chapters centers on Biblical principles highlighting an important characteristic of your young “Lady in Waiting” with guidelines for parents and profound questions for discussion.  Lessons are drawn from the Biblical story of Ruth and Boaz. Jackie is passionate in her writing, entertaining, with subtle humor and an enjoyable wit, and contagious spirit. She articulates with clarity, as she expresses informed and proven principles.

I only wish that the material addressing Mom’s had been more inclusive to address parents or that specific suggestions would be made for Fathers as well. Chapter endnotes provide excellent additional resources for further consideration, study, and implementation.

Raising a Lady in Waiting is an important guide for parents to insure that their daughters avoid the pitfalls of bad choices in their relationships while pursuing God’s best.

Raising a Lady in Waiting is available at:

A complimentary copy of this book was provided for review purposes. The opinions expressed are my own.

About Richard R. Blake

Richard R. Blake is the Co-Founder of Christian Education Resources. He owned and operated the Family Book Center of San Leandro, California for over 30 years. I am married to Thelma, a registered nurse, and father of four sons. I am now working as a freelance writer, editorial consultant, specializing in manuscript critiques and book reviews.