Real Messages From Heaven 2 – Book Review

Real Message From Heaven 2 by Faye Aldridge

Supernatural Encounters, Miracle, and Divine Interventions

Fay Aldridge has assembled 42 heartwarming testimonies of individuals who have had near death experiences, after death appearances, angel encounters, divine intervention, or miraculous answers to prayer in Book 2 of her “Real Messages from Heaven” series. These stories offer hope and comfort to the reader; evidence of the afterlife, and a positive message of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

These are simple stories that give the reader glimpses into heaven and assurance of life after death. Each story offers words of praise to God, pause for reflection, and examples of God’s protection, power and presence.

Faye’s love for people, unique story-telling approach and gift of communication combine to transform words on a page into dramatic emotions, deep feelings and intense passion.  Well documented end notes provide excellent resources for further reading, study, or research. The narrative is rich in Biblical content and theological teaching providing a greater understanding on the subject of the supernatural.

My Recommendation 

Real Messages from Heaven 2 is an amazing compilation of real life short stories packed with incidents of miracles, supernatural encounters, and divine interventions, inspiring a new sense of peace of mind and assurance of afterlife.

Real Message from Heaven 2 is available at:

A complimentary copy of this book was provided for review purposes. The opinions expressed are my own.

About Richard R. Blake

Richard R. Blake is the Co-Founder of Christian Education Resources. He owned and operated the Family Book Center of San Leandro, California for over 30 years. I am married to Thelma, a registered nurse, and father of four sons. I am now working as a freelance writer, editorial consultant, specializing in manuscript critiques and book reviews.