How Can You Experience More of God? (When God Already Lives Inside of You)


Are you hungry to experience more of God in your life? My guess is “Yes,” since you are reading this article. In this article, I will Biblically show you what true hunger for God looks like and then share three practical ways you can increase your desire to experience more of Him in your life. [...]

Lessons Learned From a 20-Year Long Outpouring of the Holy Spirit


This week marks the 20th anniversary of the Toronto Blessing, a powerful renewal of the Holy Spirit that has significantly impacted the world and is producing sustained spiritual fruit to this very day. So what’s the secret? Is it possible for revival to go beyond a few years, a season, or even a single generation, [...]

Should We STOP Asking For Revival?


Does the following logic make any sense to you—asking for something that you have already received? Of course not. The fact is, countless Christians across the Earth are doing this, myself included! We continue to pray for revival, asking God to move with great power, when in fact, we might be making the wrong request. [...]