The Holy Spirit is Still Giving and Interpreting Dreams!

The Holy Spirit is still giving and interpreting dreams!

In a season where people are paranoid of welcoming the so-called “strange fire,” I am excited to report that the pure flame of the Holy Spirit is ever burning brightly across the Earth—and right in our backyard!

The Last Days Outpouring is Happening Right Now!

Joel 2 is coming to pass across the planet, as the Spirit continues to be poured out upon all flesh. More and more people are stepping into their inheritance as sons and daughters of God, who are not only accessible to the prophetic, but also, recognize that with the Holy Spirit comes a new dimension of “visions and dreams” (see Joel 2:28, Acts 2:17).

Recently, we attended a conference hosted by Church at New Bern (New Bern, North Carolina), where Adrian Beale and Adam Thompson (authors of The Divinity Code) were ministering.

From the moment we stepped into that inviting, friendly church, I could tell that this was a place where the Presence of God was not simply tolerated, but sought as the great pursuit. When Jesus is front and center, everything else finds it rightful place in the wings of His preeminence. The supernatural is not sought—it’s expected, while the God of the Supernatural is the main focus. Adam and Adrian truly personify this great quest and balance.


L to R: Ronda Ronalli – Destiny Image Publisher, Adam Thompson, Larry Sparks – host of Life Supernatural, Adrian Beale

Dream Interpretation is Available To Anyone Intimate with God

When it comes to supernatural ministry, particularly the subjects of dreams, dream interpretation, visions and the like, people immediately think that those who flow in such giftings are gurus of some type. This could not be further from the truth! Above all, Adam and Adrian pursue intimacy with Jesus. They seek the knowledge of God. They are close with the Father. All of their ministry flows from that vital place. They don’t seek signs and wonders; signs and wonders follow them as they walk on the path to such promises, which is the path of intimacy with God. How refreshing to see this in action!

Plus, their message is an open-invitation. In other words, dreams and visions are not some gift reserved for the few, high, and holy. They make it very clear that all believers are able to walk in this dimension of supernatural ministry and encounter with the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit Came to Deliver, Heal, and Set Free!

The time of worship was rich and sweet as those in attendance were ushered right into the Presence of God. No hype. No acrobatics. No rock concert. There was a guy on acoustic, a girl on vocals, and another guy playing some type of bongo contraption (identifying musical instruments by their proper names is definitely not my expertise!) Powerful.

And of course, the ministry component was extremely fruitful. There was no hype, but I will say this much—there was the genuine, authentic power of God at work in that place. Dreams were prophetically interpreted. Scripture was upheld and adhered to. Jesus received great glory. The Holy Spirit moved. And as a result, people were delivered from torment, launched into their callings, healed, and set free.

It’s For Today…

For those of you who might be on the fence concerning the topic of Biblical dream interpretation, I totally understand. Back when I first heard about the world of visions, dreams and dream interpretation, I have to say, I was skeptical. However, we cannot escape the fact that it is thoroughly Scriptural. Joseph was a dream interpreter. Daniel was a dream interpreter. And if these two men, who had limited access to the Holy Spirit, were able to flow in this supernatural gift and grace, how much more are you and I accessible to it, for that same Spirit now lives inside of us!

Larry Sparks About Larry Sparks

Larry Sparks is host of Life Supernatural, a weekly radio program that features bestselling authors, emerging filmmakers, and key ministry leaders. In addition to serving as the Director of Curriculum Resources for Destiny Image Publishers, Larry is president and founder of Equip Culture Ministries—an organization that equips believers with tools and resources to experience a life of sustained victory through the supernatural power of God. He lives in Florida with his wife and daughter. You can visit his website at and follow him on Facebook Larry Sparks or on Twitter @LawrenceVSparks.