The Prophetic Perspective – Book Review

perspective-2A Biblical Exposition on the Five-Fold Ministry of the Prophet

The Prophetic Perspective is a comprehensive study that addresses questions on the dynamics of the prophetic on the church, the individual and the apostolic reformation. In this in depth biblical exposition Mark Chironna explains the five-fold ministry of the prophet.

Chironna is a gifted communicator, highly respected as a prophetic minister. He writes with an understanding and intellect that unlocks profound truths for the theologian with a spiritual sensitivity and Holy Spirit anointing that will appeal to readers at every level of maturity.  The book is an equipping tool empowering the reader for ministry. Mark demonstrates an acute awareness of the roles of the gifts of the Apostle, prophet, and evangelist. His explanations, illustrations, definitions, and word pictures combine to challenge the reader to further study and research.

The Pinpoint the Prophetic feature at the end of each chapter helps the reader explore and consider different, sometimes conflicting, viewpoints on Prophetic Perspective in light of God’s intended future to affirm or give a better understanding of long held personal views.

I especially liked the reader friendly format of the book and the organization of the material.

The sub title of The Prophetic Perspective become the underlying theme throughout the book Seeing and Seizing Our God-Intended Future.

The Prophetic Perspective is available at:

A complimentary copy of this book was provided for review purposes. The opinions expressed are my own.

About Richard R. Blake

Richard R. Blake is the Co-Founder of Christian Education Resources. He owned and operated the Family Book Center of San Leandro, California for over 30 years. I am married to Thelma, a registered nurse, and father of four sons. I am now working as a freelance writer, editorial consultant, specializing in manuscript critiques and book reviews.