The Supernatural Lifestyle – Our Birthright

The Supernatural Lifestyle is Our Birthright by Venetia Carpenter for Life Supernatural

The Everyday Supernatural Life

When most of us think of the supernatural realm, we don’t always think of these things happening in everyday life.  I was like most, who thought of supernatural encounters taking place in special settings or operating through a select few.  I am referring to supernatural encounters in the life of the believer that occur due to our communion with the Holy Spirit. Jesus has been changing my heart and mind on this since last year.

Finding myself being bored with the Christian life I was leading, I was praying and inquiring of the Lord as to why I was not seeing more supernatural encounters.  When I read the book of Acts, it seems as though the supernatural moved in the lives of the believers on a consistent basis. Was it possible that moving in the supernatural realm could be a common, everyday thing?  My life at that time was very busy with full time work, leadership roles and ministry at the International House of Prayer in Kansas City, and other ministry roles through my own 5013c ministry. Good things were happening on all fronts, but still my heart longed for more.

A Call to a Deeper Journey

The Lord began to call me, draw me into a deeper journey with Him, an ongoing journey into the supernatural lifestyle of faith.  I was very excited to take this journey at the beginning, but quickly learned how resistant my heart and emotions were to taking the necessary steps required to see the supernatural manifested in my life on a consistent basis. I learned that walking in the supernatural faith realm requires me to stop relying on or leaning on the natural realm, but instead to allow Jesus to awaken and focus my spiritual eyes. I had to see past what was obvious in order to see into the supernatural realm. When I was able to get past my natural resistance and move out into this realm, I began to see some awesome things take place in my life. One area where this was manifested was in the area of daily provision and expenses.

Supernatural Provision

Jesus had instructed me to come to Him when I had a need and He would give me directions as to how to get what I needed. He did this in various ways. Once, I needed money to pay some monthly expenses. I had quit my job, at the Lord’s leading, and now was to depend on Him totally. This was one of my first lessons on not looking or depending on the natural but looking with eyes of faith and relying on Jesus.   Honestly, this was a scary place for me.  I struggled just to make the decision to stop working. What if I didn’t hear Him correctly? If I was wrong on this, I was going to quickly ‘crash and burn’!

Yet, here I was at this place of need… So I went to Jesus about this as He had instructed. I then felt led to check my bank account balance, which I did. To my great surprise, I found that there was a little over $400 in my account!  There was no explanation as to how it got there.  I called the bank to inquire if a mistake had been made but was told that this was simply the amount that was in the account.  I knew I had not made a deposit and had no job income coming in, but there was $400 in my account!  This was more than enough to take care of the expenses I had, plus leave me with some extra.  Praise Jesus!! There were other times, as well, when I had a need and went to Jesus about it. Soon I was given the exact thing I needed by someone who had no idea about the need. I have had food and toiletries provided for me, gotten price cuts at stores for items I specifically needed, and once got a $40 blender for $15 by Jesus directing me to a specific store in order to purchase one.

Supernatural Healing

I have seen healing take place on a new level, both in my own life as well as those I have prayed for.  Once, I felt the Lord telling me to go pray for someone who was sneezing consistently. I did this and the sneezing instantly stopped! On another occasion, I heard Jesus give me specific instructions as to how to pray for a woman who was struggling with depression. Her countenance was very dark.  I could barely hear her as it seemed to weary her just to speak. As He gave me specific instructions at to what to pray and what spirits to cast out, the countenance on the woman’s face began to change and brighten. Suddenly she began to cry, then smile, then laugh.  She then began to pray for herself as more and more of the oppression and darkness lifted. She was totally set free.  As more of these types of things kept happening in my life, I came to realize that this was truly our birthright as believers in Jesus. (John 14:12) This is how life should be lived by every believer in Jesus!

How about you?

Just like an earthly inheritance, we each have to choose to move out in our spiritual inheritance and take possession of our birthright.  In order to receive this inheritance, we have to shake off the obstacles of fear and doubt in order to claim our full birthright that Jesus ordained for us to have.  This is a journey that will allow each of us to claim treasures that are unknown to us at this time, with Jesus being the most precious treasure of all.  Enjoy the journey and let me know the stories of how you are exercising your birthright to live supernaturally everyday in the comments below.

Venetia Carpenter About Venetia Carpenter

Venetia Carpenter is an ordained minister. She is the founder and President of Ecclesia International Ministries as well serving in a leadership role at the International House of Prayer in Kansas City. She serves in providing Biblical encouragement as well as both corporate and individual prophetic ministry. Venetia is also the author of three published books, Life Outside the Matrix, Church, who’s your Daddy and Following the Heart of the Great Shepherd. You can find her at:

  • Anea

    Thanks so much for sharing this testimony about your journey towards more of the supernatural of God in your everyday life. I recently felt led by the Lord to set aside at least an hour a day to seek His face in the Word and prayer, because I was thirsty for more. I am encouraged to keep pressing in until His supernatural presence and works begin to manifest in my life, finances, spiritual ministry as I seek to preach the gospel in my city. Thank you so much.