Brian Guerin

About Brian Guerin

Brian Guerin, Founding Director of Bridal Glory International, is a friend of God. As a prophetic mouthpiece and itinerate speaker, he is sent out all over the world to ignite lovesick passion and abandonment for Him alone. He carries the kingdom of heaven, as his ministry is marked by unusual signs and wonders, powerful miracles and healing, and the very fingerprints of God. For more info visit:

Be Encouraged, God’s Timing is a Sign to You!

Be Encouraged God's Timing is a Sign by Brian Guerin

Another case of God’s amazing signs and wonders through nature was astounding indeed, not to mention quite timely. It was just another day as I knew it in my home town of Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I was driving down the road while talking to my best friend in life and ministry, David Popovici. He is [...]

Why are there Manifestations of Gold, Silver, and Precious Stones?

Why Manifestations of Gold, Silver, and Precious Stones by Brian Guerin

Signs and wonders of gold, silver, and precious stones are other manifestations of God’s being and voice in the realms of glory. A shimmering, dust-like deposit of gold and silver has been showing up for quite some time, and now appears in just about every meeting. Gold dust actually began to appear upon my hands [...]

Why It’s Important to Understand Signs and Wonders

Why It's Important to Understand Signs and Wonders by Brian Guerin

Many years ago, the Lord took me into a season of intense prayer and seeking His face. This season lasted for right around a year to a year and a half. I would seek the Lord for no less than nine hours a day, seven days a week. Often when my schedule permitted I would [...]