Christ Centered Teaching from the Model Prayer He Taught His Disciples The Praying to Change Your Life course includes this student guide which is designed to provide instruction, thought provoking prayer exercises that stimulate a spirit of expectancy and a prayerful attitude of awe for God’s majesty and His omnipotent power to perform His promise [...]
Elevating Excellence: Secrets to Closing the Leadership Gap A Leadership Training Curriculum – Book Review
A Training Resource for Pastors and Ministries Leaders Elevating Excellence: Secrets to Closing the Leadership Gap is designed to help church leaders: Build a Ministry Team – Identify and Fill the Gaps Evaluate Present Weaknesses Provide Tools for Communication and Interaction among the Ministry Team Establish Ministry Goals Develop Visionary Leaders The Leadership kit includes a [...]
Elevating Excellence: Defining Choices that Lead to Relevance – Book Review
How Relevance and Choices Can Help You Achieve Success in Business, Ministry, and Life Evaluating Excellence – Defining Choices that Lead to Relevance, as the subtitle suggests, defines ten choices that when applied will lead to relevance. Curtis Wallace is recognized for his cutting edge leadership skills and his personal dedication for elevating excellence among [...]
A Fax from Heaven, Gift Edition – Book Review
Dreams, Visions, and Encounters A Fax from Heaven is made up of stories the lessons learned along the way in one family’s spiritual journey. Faye Aldridge shares from her heart how God met her in times of testing in hope of helping others find hope and comfort, assurance of an afterlife, and the reality of God’s [...]
Smith Wigglesworth: On Manifesting the Divine Nature, Abiding in Power Every Day of the Year – Book Review
A Year of Devotional Readings Gleaned from the Sermons and Writings of Smith Wigglesworth Smith Wigglesworth: On Manifesting the Divine Nature is a treasure trove of carefully selected readings from sermon material and the writings of Smith Wigglesworth. These daily devotional readings contain over 360 “nuggets of truth” which encourage the reader to be quickened by [...]
Invading Babylon: The 7 Mountain Mandate – Book Review
Taking the Gospel to the Marketplace with Authority, Power, and Promise Selected Writings from Lance Wallnau, Bill Johnson, Alan Vincent, C. Peter Wagner, Che’ Ahn, and Patricia King, capture the foremost elements needed to shape and influence culture in Invading Babylon: The 7 Mountain Mandate. Bill Johnson asserts that “You must first understand that you [...]
Real Messages From Heaven 2 – Book Review
Supernatural Encounters, Miracle, and Divine Interventions Fay Aldridge has assembled 42 heartwarming testimonies of individuals who have had near death experiences, after death appearances, angel encounters, divine intervention, or miraculous answers to prayer in Book 2 of her “Real Messages from Heaven” series. These stories offer hope and comfort to the reader; evidence of the [...]
A Touch From Heaven – Book Review
A Remarkable Journey of Faith in the Midst of Tests at Every Turn A Touch from Heaven is the amazing story of Christopher Pylant, his complex brain surgery, his account of visits to heaven, his healing, and his parent’s astonishing faith. Neal Pylant and Carol Zinz made their wedding vows in her parents’ home in, Baltimore, [...]
Saved by Angels – Book Review
God Talks to Ordinary People – Are You Listening? Saved by Angels is Bruce Van Natta’s story of God’s intervention his life through a visitation of angels when a logging truck he was repairing fell off its jack and pinned him under the front axle. I was captivated by Bruce’s amazing and miraculous testimony; and deeply [...]
In The Wilderness: Finding God’s Strength When Your World Falls Apart – Book Review
Compassionate Insight into the Purpose of Life’s Struggles Award winning authors Ron DiCianni and Lance Wubbles collaborate in this encouraging collection of insight and inspiration. In The Wilderness: Finding God’s Strength When Your World Falls Apart combines Biblical examples and real life stories which enable the reader to find help from others who have travelled through [...]