Near death experience sends man on mission to teach others how to hear God’s voice

saved by angels


Bruce Van Netta was on death’s door and only by the grace of God and the work of guardian angels is he still alive; and he is on a mission.

After his near-death experience, Van Netta now travels the world teaching people how they, too, can hear God’s voice.

This month marks the release of Van Netta’s book, “Saved By Angels: Expanded Edition,” through publisher, Destiny Image, with an accompanying DVD study course that takes believers to a deeper understanding of how God communicates with His children on Earth, and how people are finding help and peace through this communication.

“Through prayer, scripture, dreams and visions, other people in our lives, the Holy Spirit, life circumstances and angels; we are given so many opportunities to deepen our relationship with the living God,” said Van Netta.  “Once you realize that God’s grace and mercy aren’t reserved only for people who make all of the right choices, can recite 100 Bible verses by memory, or stand behind the pulpit…God’s love is for everyone.”

Van Netta believes that if people can learn to recognize the key ways God talks to them, they will live the lives they were created to live.

The accompanying DVD set includes two DVD’s, each containing four live, teaching sessions with Van Netta.

The book and DVD set can be found everywhere that books are sold.

Destiny Image, located in Shippensburg, Pa, was founded in 1983 by Pastor Don Nori, Sr. It seeks to accurately represent authors who have a call to share God’s present word to His people and to make these authors easily accessible to the Christian body around the world in every form of media possible.



Kristen Adams

(717) 530-3040, Ext. 135

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