Many years ago, the Lord took me into a season of intense prayer and seeking His face. This season lasted for right around a year to a year and a half. I would seek the Lord for no less than nine hours a day, seven days a week. Often when my schedule permitted I would [...]
How to Let Your Light Shine
The other day, after a DARE to Believe Healing Conference, I was sitting in a restaurant with a group of people near Ocklawaha, Florida. As the waitress came to our table, she asked us, “What church do you belong to?” And she continued to say, “I ask because you all just shine.” We shared with [...]
How to Develop a Simple Prayer Life
Stop Fearing the Devil
In my religious training through my years at Hebrew school, I don’t remember anyone ever telling me about the devil or the existence of Satan, who is the personification of evil. I knew about the concept of evil, of course, but I never knew it was personal. I was nearly sixteen years old when I [...]
Experiencing Constant Communion with God
I found that praying once or twice a day was one thing, but experiencing constant communion with God was quite another. This kind of communion is about maintaining our spiritual connection with the Lord all day long. We stop seeing our prayer times as being like stops at a gas station to fill our car [...]
Simple Ways to Confront Common Fears
In his first inaugural address, Franklin D. Roosevelt said, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself—nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.” The common human response to fear is to retreat, hide, and cower in the shadows. But this is not God’s way, beloved, for we [...]
Simple Steps to Reconnecting with God
Many of us have been surprised by impulses, thoughts, and emotions that seem to come out of the blue and throw us off course. And oftentimes, we enter into sinful behavior and yield to the temptation. So there is a need to promptly reconnect with Christ in an intimate and life-giving way. It doesn’t [...]
How to Find Comfort in Jesus
Healing Your Emotional Pain
Each one of us have unresolved thoughts, feelings, and impulses that seem to come right out of the blue at all the wrong times. But through healing prayer, we are learning about letting God take these unresolved issues—these things that are hidden in the depths of our hearts and are springing up, causing ungodly thoughts, [...]